Ww2 imperial Japanese insignia


This is the insignia of North China Transportation Co.

North China Transportation Co., Ltd. was established around 1938 as a Japan-China joint venture with a capital of 300 million yen, consisting of 150 million yen from North China Development Company on the Japanese side, 120 million yen from South Manchuria Railway Company, and 10 million yen from North China Political Affairs Committee on the Chinese side. It had 110,000 employees, consisting of 30,000 Japanese and 80,000 Chinese.

During the Showa Era (1926-1989), the company was established as a joint venture between Japan and China with a capital of 300 million yen.
It is known as a Japanese national policy company that was responsible for the operation of railways and buses in the North China region of the Republic of China during the Showa Period.

The insignia is decorated with a design that combines the wheel and wings of the company emblem.
The insignia is decorated with a design that combines the wheel and wings of the company's emblem.

It is a valuable item of its time.