LIMITED EDITION! fairy forest clips

In a land far away the blue fairy forest glimmers and shines! The trees are always a glistening blue and everywhere is decked with flowers of heavenly scents! Once a year, on Midsummer's Eve, the King of the Trees is covered with golden leaves and the fairies dance around him, making merry until dawn, when the first light of the sun causes them to turn once again into their blue shimmer.... or so I've heard tell!

This lovely Fairy Forest set includes 4 glittery blue trees and the King of the Trees in his Midsummer's Eve finery! Clips are an easy to use 14mm. Set of 5

Very limited edition set!

Dangle stitch markers are more than just knitting needle jewelry! Dangle markers are much easier to manoeuvre from one needle to the other than single rings which are easily dropped and lost, and large bead markers which give you more bulk on your needles right at your stitches where you need it least! Dangle markers are a pleasure to move around and are lightweight as well as attractive! So go ahead and dress up your knitting project! Who said you can't be pretty and clever at the same time?

**Stitch markers are a choking hazard for children. Children should NEVER be allowed to use them as a toy! My stitch markers are NOT intended to be used by children!