**This extraordinarily powerful divine portal has been opened to connect its Keeper with the Morrígan, an ancient Irish goddess of battle, war, destruction, and death, but also sovereignty, fertility, prophecy, and prosperity. As such, she is both a deity of endings as well as new beginnings, of closure and release from the past as well as vision and stability for the future.
Her earliest recorded stories date back to around 750 BC, but these are believed to be retellings of much older oral traditions that had already been passed down through many generations. “Morrígan” can be translated from Irish into both “Great Queen” (Old Irish “mor” meaning “great” and “rigan” meaning “queen”) as well as “Phantom Queen” through an alternative etymology. She is known as a shapeshifting goddess throughout her lore—assuming the form of many different animals, such as: the crow, the raven, the wolf, the cow, the horse, and even the eel. She sometimes appears as a singular deity, but other times manifests as a Triple Goddess of three separate aspects that are represented as sisters. This threefold form is sometimes collectively referred to as the Morrígna, and they are often called the “Daughters of Ernmas.”
The lore surrounding this Triple Goddess varies to some degree, particularly when it comes to the third sister. Of the three aspects, the first two are generally consistently represented as Macha and Badb, but the third aspect is often a subject of some debate and variation between those who honor the Morrígna. The goddesses Anu, Némain, and Féa are each named in different stories as the third sister, and as such various covens and priesthoods may differ on which they include in their practices. This portal focuses on Anu as the third aspect, but the connection also allows for the exploration of the alternatives as well, if desired.
Macha, meaning “the Mighty One,” is the goddess of the land and its sovereignty. Throughout her lore, she is called upon to protect the autonomy of her people and their lands as well as to uproot those that have invaded or broken pacts. She has a connection to horses as a symbol of wealth, rulership, and warfare since these beautiful beasts played such a tangible and significant role in these three areas throughout early Celtic society. She is a living embodiment of the land itself and empowers fertility and all new beginnings.
Badb is the goddess of battle, her name directly translating to “the Battle Crow.” She is often depicted as the Scald-crow, the Washer at the Ford, and the embodiment of Death itself. Badb is associated with direct combat and physical bloodshed but also the more elevated aspects of war such as strategy and even prophecy. She is said to cause fear and confusion among the enemy to move the tide of battle toward her favored side. Sometimes appearing as a foreshadowing of the carnage to come, her wailing cries echoing over the battlefield are often compared to those of the banshee. In the aftermath, the Battle Crow feeds upon the fallen.
Anu is a mother goddess whose name’s etymology suggests meanings related to “goodness” and “flowing”—such as the running of a river. She is most closely associated with the spirituality and fruitfulness of nature and agriculture. The white-horned bull is sacred to her, and the mist that rolls over the land is thought to be her loving embrace. Worship of Anu was traditionally thought to bring a good harvest, and as such, she can be called upon for all the bounties of true abundance. She is also associated with great wisdom, craftsmanship, music, poetry, regeneration, and prosperity.
This portal serves as a direct conduit of both communication and energetic invocation between you and the Great Queen herself. The Morrígan, a wide range of teachings and empowerments may be garnered. By imbuing us with the depth and breadth of her vast strength and richness of energy, she not only grants us favor in the fight for our own personal wellbeing and sovereignty but also for that of our loved ones and the lands we share. The Morrígan’s sphere of influence can aid us in all of our battles, whether personal, social, political, or even within our own internal makeup. Open yourself to her aid, raise the banners, take the victories, and usher in your vision for a better tomorrow.

You will be sent a glass core bead that you will wear on a bracelet, chain or necklace of your choice~ You may also keep it in your wallet or in your purse~ This spelled bead is Conjured for you with your spirit and loaded with extra energies within to protect you and boost your energy levels~ The bonding spell will be at midnight of the night payment is made~

 your ritual, We will do a rework after 90 days for