BM-21UM "Berest" is a promising Ukrainian multiple launch rocket system of 122 mm caliber. The system is based on the KrAZ-5401NE truck chassis and the upgraded BM-21 Grad launcher. Instead of 40 missiles in the Gradu launcher, the Beresta launcher has 50 missiles.
The BM-21UM Berest system was presented for the first time at the Arms and Security-2018 exhibition, which was held on October 9-12 in Kyiv. "Berest" is a deep modernization of the BM-21 "Grad", and is intended to replace it. "Berest" has a number of advantages compared to "Grad":

The cabin accommodates the entire calculation, while in the "Grad" part of the combat crew is located on open seats behind the cabin [3].
The launcher contains 50 rockets, instead of 40 in the Grad.
"Berest" was manufactured by the Shepetovsky repair plant at its own working capital. It was alleged that only Ukrainian components, including the chassis, are used in the production of Berest.

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