Lawman To The Core / Dockside Danger

Lawman to the Core (the Law in Lubbock County) / Dockside Danger (the Lost Girls)
Author(s): Delores Fossen, Carol Ericson
Format: Paperback
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, United Kingdom
Imprint: Mills & Boon
ISBN-13: 9780263303698, 978-0263303698


Lawman to the Core
by Delores Fossen

A special agent will do anything to protect a woman and baby.

The woman who broke into special agent Nick Brodie's home isn't a stranger. Neither is the baby with her. Seven months ago, the lawman and former agent Hallie Stanton rescued the newborn from a black market ring. Now on the run, they must join forces to escape the abductor hot on their trail. Can Nick and Hallie keep the baby safe and stay one step ahead of a merciless killer?

Dockside Danger
by Carol Ericson

Trusting each other is their only chance...

LAPD detective Jane Falco is investigating a recent murder and doesn't need FBI agent Tim Ruskin back in her life to complicate the investigation. There are still sparks between them, but to stop a vicious human trafficking ring, Jane and Tim must learn to trust each other to survive...