Due to its age its left horn is broken


Weight - 104.7 grams

Size - 10 cm

Polychrome Indus Valley terracotta statuette of a Zebu bull. The animal is depicted in a naturalistic manner, with eyes, large hump and tall antlers. The anatomical features are emphasized by stripes of black pigmentation.

The Indus Valley Civilisation extended from what today is north east Afghanistan to Pakistan and north west India. It was one of three early and widespread cradles of civilisation along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. At its peak, the Indus Valley Civilisation, which included such sites as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, may have had a population of over five million, who developed new techniques in pottery, seal carving, and metallurgy. The Indus Valley statuettes are known to be quite detailed and realistically shaped. On top of anatomically depicted anthropomorphic statuettes, bulls and elephants were among the most represented both as figurines and pottery’s decorations.

Harappan people produced a large number of terracotta figurines, which were handmade. Terracottas were made up of fire baked earthen clay which came to be called as Terracotta Figurines. They were either used as toys or objects of worship

Harappa is an archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan, about 24 km (15 mi) west of Sahiwal. The site takes its name from a modern village located near the former course of the Ravi River which now runs 8 km (5.0 mi) to the north. The current village of Harappa is less than 1 km (0.62 mi) from the ancient site. Although modern Harappa has a legacy railway station from the British Raj period, it is a small crossroads town of 15,000 people today.

Age: 3200-2600 B.C.

Previously in a large British collection of an expert based in central London, formed prior to 2000