CQ?s Desk Reference on the Economy

Over 600 Questions That Will Help You Understand News, Trends, and Issues
Author(s): Richard J. Carroll
Format: Hardback
Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc, United States
Imprint: CQ Press
ISBN-13: 9781568025261, 978-1568025261


CQ?s Desk Reference on the Economy includes more than 600 questions and answers covering [url] economic issues in the context of our government institutions, as well as presidential and congressional policy. Students, researchers, and interested citizens can easily find understandable information they need about front-page, high-profile economic issues.
CQ?s Desk Reference on the Economy is designed to help voters, teachers, and students gain a basic understanding of the most important policies and issues in the [url] economy. Readers will see the light go on perhaps for the first time ever as they begin to make more and more sense of such complicated issues as:
Medicaid spending and the impact of managed care
Social Security funding for future generations.
Is the federal budget really balanced?
What are the implications of the [url] trade deficit?
CQ?s Desk Reference on the Economy also includes an historical context by tracking presidential and party-based economic performance since WWII, from Truman to Clinton. Especially valuable during this past year of presidential politics and debate, the book is a valuable tool to understanding what the economic policies of presidential candidates can mean for the pocketbooks of American voters, as well as helping students understand how the economy works in a democracy.
CQ?s Desk Reference on the Economy is the perfect basic reference for everyone who wants to understand more about the economic issues that affect them directly every day of their lives.