Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism

Author(s): Mary Boyce
Format: Paperback
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press, United States
Imprint: University of Chicago Press
ISBN-13: 9780226069302, 978-0226069302


"Boyce is a, perhaps the, world authority on Zoroastrianism. . . . Prefaced by a 27-page introduction, this anthology contains selections which offer a complete picture of Zoroastrian belief, worship and practice. There are historical texts from the sixth century [url] onwards, and extracts from modern Zoroastrian writings representing traditionalism, occultism and reformist opinion. Anyone wishing to know more about this 'least well known of the world religions' should sample these selections."-The Methodist Church

"Wide-ranging. . . . An indispensable one-volume collection of primary materials."-William R. Darrow, Religious Studies Review