hi love, i am Mery.

all of my spells will ALWAYS be 100% SAFE - i only use pure, white magick that uses the most powerful laws of attraction, deep transcendental meditational and spiritual energy.

all spells are tried and true; they have worked miracles for my family as well as the hundreds of clients that i have worked with before moving my shop to Ebay.
all of them report an extremely high rate of success and all feel the power is worth having on their side. i truly hope you can give it a try and see the results for yourself. i promise you will not be disappointed!

⭐️ what should you expect after you make an order?

within 24 hours after your purchase, more commonly after a nights sleep, you may start to feel a sudden surge of positive energy, i would describe as a positive impulsive, motivational feeling, a sense of clarity.
many clients have experienced a sense of ease and lower stress levels, others claim to feel an aura of warm, positive energy radiating from them.
ALL of these symptoms are NORMAL!
it happens because i am working on your spell and sending POWERFUL energies to you and your environment via telepathy.
no bad or negative symptoms have ever been reported because all of my spells only use POSITIVE energy of LOVE and LIGHT.
in each spell, I will call on your Angels and Spirit Guides to cast the spell deeply into the intentions and direct that energy to you.

i work with the world’s most POWERFUL Laws of Attraction to make your wishes come true.

everyday the spell will become INCREASINGLY MORE EFFECTIVE, the manifestation period is typically 2-12 weeks, however i have seen results in less than 24 hours after initial cast. 

🤍important to include that my spells won’t interfere or mess up with any other spells that you may have ordered elsewhere, as this is one of my most popular questions 

in all of my castings, i provide all of the materials of the spellcast, i will message you in due course after the spell cast has complete. 

🐚 please note that this is not a physical item, therefore nothing will be mailed to you.

⭐️what will this spell do for you?

This is a EXTREMELY POWERFUL ancient spell - you will never find anything else quite like it! 
This spell will DRAMATICALLY increase your good luck and success for ANY need you desire.

⭐️what is it you desire?
feeling like something is blocking you and your energy?
your ex to feel regretful of their actions towards you?
for your ex to come back into your life/to communicate back to you,
good luck and fortune to yourself and your love ones? 

🤍all I need in order to perform the spell is the name of the person I am to cast the spell upon, and their date of birth



About me-Mery

I will examine and assess your case and offer you the best spell solution for your problem. I have completed full training in many specialised areas of magic. I attended the Grey School apprenticeship and gained doctorate level in nature studies, magikal practice, healing and herbalism. Magic is very rewarding to me and I love hearing all the amazing feedback, knowing I have helped others with their dreams. I treat all cases and circumstances and will help you manifest your desires! I look forward to hearing your story x.

All orders are delivered digitally only. I will give you a detailed message and picture of the spell casting.

Ebay requires me to state that all spells are for entertainment purposes only.