Narrativity and Intermediality in Contemporary Theatre / Narrativit? et interm?dialit? sur la sc?ne contemporaine

Author(s): Helga Finter, Eva Holling, Didier Plassard, Bernhard Siebert, Gerald Siegmund, Alix de Morant
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Switzerland
Imprint: Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
ISBN-13: 9783034339643, 978-3034339643


This book assembles the contributions to the international symposium Narrativity and Intermediality on the Contemporary Stage in Montpellier 2016. The symposium was based on the hypothesis that, despite the rise of performative and postdramatic theatre and a subsequent abandonment of the plot, theatre performances tell stories after all. The variety of positions in this book now discuss and reflect the relation between narration, theatre and intermediality nowadays.

Ce livre rassemble les actes du Colloque international Narrativit? & Interm?dialit? sur la sc?ne contemporaine, manifestation qui s?est tenue ? Montpellier en 2016. Les contributions r?unies dans cet ouvrage ont trait aux modalit?s par lesquelles la sc?ne contemporaine, qu'elle soit th??trale, chor?graphique ou performative, continue de produire du r?cit. Depuis l'analyse des ?uvres, et dans un dialogue avec les artistes, elles se consacrent aux interrogations qui rel?vent de l'interm?dialit?.