A selection of the finest natural, air-dried dog treats made with only British & EU approved products and consisting of a wide variety of health benefits for your furry friend. If your dog loves beef, then The Beefy Bundle is the perfect choice. This 12 piece selection box contains specially selected, yummy beef treats for your pooch, which are highly digestible, high in protein, hypoallergenic and great for your dog’s teeth and dental hygiene, as well as reducing boredom and anxiety. The Beefy Bundle is hand-picked and carefully packed in 100% recyclable packaging. 

100% Natural

100% Recyclable Packaging


1 x Trachea

2 x Tough Beef Skin Chews

2 x Gourmet Beef & Vegetable Sticks

2 x Gourmet Beef & Garlic Sausages

2 X Paddy Wack

1 x Plain Large Cow Ear

2 x Beef Hooves

Feeding Instructions

Always supervise your dog with treats and give as part of a balanced diet. Ensure clean, fresh water is always available.


Trachea: 100% Beef

Gourmet Beef & Vegetable Sticks: Beef 40%, Chicken 30%, Veg 5%, Beef Meal, Minerals

Gourmet Beef & Garlic Sausages: Beef 40%, Chicken 30% Garlic<1%, Beef Meal, Minerals

Tough Beef Skin Chews: 100% Beef

Paddy Wack: 100% Cow Neck Tendon

Plain Large Cow Ears: 100% Beef

Beef Hooves: 100% Cow Hooves

Analytical Constituents

Trachea: Crude protein (min) 49.0%, Crude fat (min) 21.0%, Crude fibre (max) 6.0%, Moisture (max) 5.0%

Gourmet Beef & Vegetable Sticks: Crude Protein 27.5%, Crude Oils & Fats 5.7%, Crude Fibres 0.0%, Crude Ash 62.4%

Gourmet Beef & Garlic Sausages: Protein 20.8%, Oil 20.1%, Fibre 0.9%, Ash 5.9%, Moisture 16.2%

Tough Beef Skin Chews: Protein 71.8%, Oils and Fats 10.7%, Ash 11.4%, Moisture 5.6%

Paddy Wack: Protein 85%, Oil & fats 7.2%, Crude fibre 1.5%, Crude ash 1.3%, Moisture 5%

Plain Large Cow Ears: Protein 79.3%, Fat 3.8%, Moisture 13.7%

Beef Hooves: Protein 90.3 %, Fat 0.4 %, Moisture 13.7 %