Save the...Blue Whales

Author(s): Christine Taylor-Butler, Chelsea Clinton
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Penguin Putnam Inc, United States
Imprint: Philomel Books,U.S.
ISBN-13: 9780593404157, 978-0593404157


Did you know that a blue whale eats about 50 million calories' worth of krill each day? How about that blue whales' song is louder than a jet engine - so loud that if you heard it above water, it would damage your ears? Or that their eyes are the size of a grapefruit?

Perfect for all animal lovers - and blue whale fans in particular - this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where blue whale habitats are found to what it's like to be a blue whale to why blue whales are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this gives readers all the facts they need to know to become blue whale experts.

Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun blue whale facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save blue whales from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.