Vita Coco Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil

Inspired by Brazil, where coconut oil is part of everyday life, Vita Coco’s organic coconut oil brings all the flavour and vibrancy of the home of carnival and rainforests right to your kitchen or bathroom cupboard.

Made from the huge seeds of the coconut palm, also known as the Cocos nucifera, coconut oil has long been used by the Brazilian people in a multitude of ways.

Cold pressed, extra virgin coconut oil is often used in Brazilian cookery, lending its distinct flavour to fish stews and chicken curries.

And it is just as valued for its moisturising properties, so you will find it on the dressing table of most Brazilian women too, used on bodies, faces and hair for a variety of tasks.

Totally free of chemicals, Vita Coco coconut oil is made from dried or fresh raw coconut meat only, ensuring it maintains all its tropical goodness, from tree to jar.

Coconut oil’s beauty benefits

An occlusive, meaning it forms a barrier to prevent moisture loss, coconut oil is a highly effective hair product and particularly beneficial for thick, curly or frizzy hair.

It helps to seal in moisture and smooths and protects from the damage of brushing and rubbing while you wash and style.

It can also help to soothe an itchy, dry scalp – simply smear on before bed, cover and rinse out in the morning.

For those with fine hair, coconut oil can be a little greasy, so stick to using this beautiful smelling oil to tame ends and smooth down wispies.