John Riley

Beyond Bop Drumming

Die Fortsetzung des Buches "The Art of Bop Drumming" beschäftigt sich mit den Themen: Broken-Time Playing, Up-Tempo Exercises, Implied Time, Metric Modulation etc. (siehe Inhaltsverzeichnis). Englische Sprache, 80 Seiten, mit CD (Hörbeispiele und Play-Along).

Time Playing
Broken Time
Three Voice Comping in 8th-notes
"Picture 3" Comping
"Picture 3" Complete
Three Voice Comping in Triplets
Ride Cymbal Variations
"All Or Nothing At All" Comping
"All Or Nothing At All" Complete

Uptempo Studies
Uptempo Exercise
Uptempo Ride Cymbal Variations

Implied Time/Metric Modulation
Implying 6 over 4
Implying 3/4 over 4/4
Implying 2 over 3 in 4/4
Implying 4 over 3 in 4/4
Implying 4/4 over 3/4
Implying 4 over 3 in 3/4
Implying 9 over 6 in 3/4
Odd Groups

Standard Time Vol. 1 Analysis
"April In Paris"
"A Foggy Day"
"The Song is You"
"Autumn Leeaves"

Solo Ideas
Three-Beat Phrases
Three-Beat Phrases with Rests
Variable Speed Phrase
Triplets in Groups of 4
Eight-bar Combination Phrases
Solo Analysis #1
Main Motifs
"Monk's Dream" Transcription
Solo Analysis #2
Main Motifs
"In The Fall" Transcription
Solo Analysis #3
Main Motifs
"Agitation" Transcription
Cross-sticking Combinations

Playalong Tunes
"The El Trane"
"Speed Bumps Ahead"
"Blind Faith"
Playing with Records
Recommended Listening
General Discography
Recommended Books and Videos

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