Little Coco Chanel

Author(s): Maddalena Schiavo, Valeria Valenza
Format: Hardback
Publisher: White Star, Italy
Imprint: White Star
ISBN-13: 9788854419841, 978-8854419841


Part of a new series dedicated to the child that preceded so many successful adults. Get to know the unique and eccentric child and childhood behind so many of your favourite famous figures, celebrities, and role models. A fun and informative series for children ? and their parents! The appearance, royal biography, and personal events of Queen Elizabeth II are so well documented that she can be considered both a royal figure, as well as a pop culture icon. Yet few have recounted her perspective as a little being ? a child with favourite games, a vivid imagination, and eccentric rituals. From Queen Elizabeth to Coco Chanel and more, learn about fascinating children that became powerful figures as adults. Ages: 5 plus