ROSCOE, Thomas. The Landscape Annual. The Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. By Thomas Roscoe. Illustrated from drawings by S. Prout, Esq. Painter in water colours to his Majesty. London: Robert Jennings, 62, Cheapside. 1830-1833.

Quattro voll. in-8° (120 x 195), tutta pelle editoriale; (8), 278, (2) pp., antiporta inc. con vignetta, 25 tavv. f t.; (8), 271, (1) pp., e 26 tavv. f. t.; (8), 286, (2) pp., antiporta inc. con vignetta, 24 tavv. f. t. + una; (8), 271, (1) pp., antiporta inc. con vignetta, 24 tavv. f. t. Le tavole sono incise in acciaio. In totale 104 tavole tutte incise in acciaio. Volumi in buone condizioni, poche e sporadiche macchie di foxing, vignette protette da veline. Raro insieme.

Elenco delle tavole per ogni volume:

Volume primo: 1. Lake of Como. (147 x 99). 2. Arch of Constantine, Rome. (68 x 99). (Antiporta). 3. Geneva. (149 x 96). 4. Lausanne. (147 x 96). 5. Castle of Chillon. Lake of Geneva. (146 x 102). 6. Bridge S.t. Maurice. (146 x 99). 7. Swiss cottage, Lavey. (96 x 145). 8. Marigny. (96 x 144). 9. Sion. (145 x 97). 10. Viege, or Visp. (96 x 149). 11. Domo d'Ossola. (138 x 96). 12. Castle of Angero, from Arona. (143 x 96). 13. Milan Cathedral. (140 x 95). 14. Como. (139 x 87). 15. View of Verona. (142 x 96). 16. View of Vicenza. (97 x 144). 17. Place Salone, Padua. (147 x 98). 18. Petrarch's House at Arqua. (98 x 141). 19. The Rialto at Venice. (137 x 98). 20. Ducal Palace at Venice. (148 x 97). 21. The Two Foscari. (151 x 100). 22. Bridge of Sighs. (98 x 147). 23. Old Ducal Palace at Ferrara. (98 x 146). 24. Bologna. (97 x 147). 25. Ponti Sesto, Rome. (147 x 96). 26. Fish market, Rome. (99 x 150).

Volume secondo: 27. S.t Marks Church, Venice. (97 x 140). 28. Tempie of Pallas. (69 x 100). (Antiporta). 29. Venice. (146 x 97). 30. On the Grand Canal, Venice. (148 x 98). 31. Barbarigo and Pisani Palaces, Venice. (144 x 98). 32. Dogana, and Church of S. M. della Salute, Venice. (96 x 140). 33. The Rialto, Venice. (143 x 98). 34. Mocenigo Palace, Venice. The residence of Lord Byron. (142 x 94). 35. The Piazzetta, Venice. (151 x 97). 36. The Campanile, Venice. (148 x 96). 37. Saint Marks Place, Venice. (144 x 97). 38. Rome. (144 x 96). 39. Bridge and Castle of Angelo, Rome. (148 x 99). 40. Monte Aventino. (146 x 98). 41. Colonnade of S.t Peters, Rome. (95 x 140). 42. Tempie of Peace, Rome. (97 x 146). 43. Forum at Rome. (146 x 99). 44. Temples of the Vesta and Fortuna Virilis, Rome. (142 x 97). 45. Tempie of Mars Ultor, Rome. (96 x 143). 46. The Borghese Palace, Rome. (149 x 100). 47. Rimini. (140 x 93). 48. Sibyls Tempie, Tivoli. (98 x 144). 49. Civita Castellana. (142 x 98). 50. Cascade at Terni. (98 x 143). 51. Bridge of Augustus, at Narni. (141 x 96). 52. Town and Lake of Lugo. (145 x 100).

Volume terzo: 53. The iterior of Milan Cathedral, looking towards the High Altar. (100 x 136). 54. Tivoli. (67 x 96). (Antiporta). 55. Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore. (151 x 102). 56. Florence from the Cascina. (146 x 97). 57. Ponte Santa Trinità. (142 x 98). 58. Pelago, near Florence. (147 x 105). 59. Tempie of the Clitumnus near Spoleto. (101 x 140). 60. Spoleto. (141 x 94). 61. Castle of Nepi. (102 x 141). 62. Lake and Town of Nemi. (142 x 100). 63. Gensano. (141 x 97). 64. The Ghigi Palace at l'Arricia. (139 x 98). 65. Naples, from the sea. (144 x 98). 66. Santa Lucia, Naples. (145 x 97). 67. Naples, from the Strada Nuova. (134 x 94). 68. Puzzuoli. (144 x 92). 69. Puzzuoli with the Mole of Caligula. (141 x 101). 70. Castle and Bay of Baia. (133 x 97). 71. Bay of Baiae. (141 x 95). 72. Castell-a-Mare, bay of Naples. (144 x 103). 73. Persano, bay of Naples. (139 x 98). 74. Vico, bay of Naples. (145 x 104). 75. Entrance to Sorrento. (97 x 142). 76. Sorrento. (144 x 107). 77. Vieltri near Salerno. (143 x 97). 78. Cetara, bay of Salerno. (146 x 99).

Volume quarto: 79. Verrex, Val d'Aosta. (92 x 118). (Antiporta). 80. Vietri. (138 x 98). 81. Convent of La Santa Trinità. (100 x 137). 82. Vico, bay of Naples. (143 x 98). 83. Mola. (147 x 100). 84. Garigliano. (148 x 102). 85. Castel Gondolpho. (142 x 100). 86. Castel Madama. (139 x 99). 87. Vico Varo, near Tivoli. (137 x 95). 88. Convent of il Santo Cosimato, near Tivoli. (98 x 144). 89. Narni. (145 x 97). 90. Terni. (147 x 100). 91. Convent of the Vallambrosa. (141 x 97). 92. Fiesole. (95 x 128). 93. La Magra, near Sarsana. (135 x 95). 94. La Spezia, coast of Genoa. (144 x 97). 95. Genoa. (142 x 98). 96. Savona, coast of Genoa. (143 x 94). 97. Trevi. (146 x 97). 98. Albenga, coast of Genoa. (148 x 98). 99. Alessio. (145 x 97). 100. Ventimiglia, coast of Genoa. (143 x 98). 101. Nice, coast of Genoa. (137 x 97). 102. Entrance to Ivrea. Val d'Aosta. (146 x 99). 103. Fort de Bard. (102 x 139). 104. Entrance of Aosta (frontespizio)