Bulk quantity of spirit animals carvings totems from Peruvian Dolomite soapstone. Great item for those with metaphysical, spiritual or esoteric interests.

Min retail value ea: $5 to $8 - My wholesale price in bulk is $1.78 for each sculpture - Includes Free shipping.

42 animals in each wholesale set consisting of:
Angel pig, Bear, Buffalo, Butterfly, Cat, Cobra, Coyote, Crocodile, Dolphin, Donkey, Dragon, Dragonfly, Duck, Eagle, Elephant, Fish, Fox, Frog, Gorilla, Hedgehog, Hen, Horse, Hummingbird, Lion, Lucky Pig, Moose, Mouse, Owl, Rabbit, Ram, Rhino, Roadrunner, Rooster, Scorpion, Seal, Sea Turtle, Swan, Turtle, Unicorn, Wild Boar, Whale, Wolf

Shown in that order in main picture. Average height is 1.4 inches