Very Scarce 1888 complete porfolio of 13 photogravures from the etchings of M Boissard ~ ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE MEMOIRS OF COUNT GRAMMONT ~ The Court and Times of Charles II, designed by C Delort, published by Gebbie & Co, 1888, India Proof Edition, which includes a portrait of Charles II and James II, Duke of York.   (These 2 etchings are from the paintings of Sir Geoffrey Kneller) Each of the etchings is attached to a description tissue paper.  The 13 etchings are as follows:

  1. King Charles II
  2. James II, Duke of York
  3. Grammont's Departure from Home
  4. Arrival at the Siege of Trino
  5. Meets a Countryman
  6. At the Court of Turin
  7. The Queen embraces Grammont
  8. Lady Shrewsbury and Jermyn
  9. The Ball
  10. Miss Stewart's Display of Legs
  11. Miss Hobart and Miss Temple cooling off
  12. Miss Price, Miss Jennings and Brounker
  13. The King finds Richmond with Miss Stewart

While the folded portfolio cover has stains and wear, including missing a corner, it has lovely gilt lettering and decoration on the front.  Each of the prints are still attached to the tissue and all are in very good condition with no rips or tear. The loose title page has a dog-earred corner and small tears to edges.