Neeta Mehendi Powder is a 100% natural product, made with premium quality Katagi Mehendi leaves from the fields of Sojat city in Rajasthan. The leaves are cleaned, ground, filtered and triple sifted to provide the best quality product. Neeta Mehendi Powder can be applied on hair for coloring and conditioning or to create designs on your hands and feet.
Neeta 100% mehandi powder

Neeta Mehendi powderNeeta Mehendi powderneeta mehendi powderNeeta Mehendi powder

Mix Neeta 100% Natural Mehendi Powder with water in a non-metallic pot to form a paste and keep aside for at least 1 hour.

Apply evenly from root to tip of hair.

For deeper shade, keep on hair for 3-4 hours

Wash with water after drying.

Neeta Mehendi powderApplication on Hands & Feet

1. Mix Neeta 100% Natural Mehendi Powder with water in a non-metallic pot to form a paste and keep aside for at least 1 hour.

2. Apply by drawing designs on hands & feet, keep overnight for a deeper color.

3. After drying, gently scrape off the henna by rubbing your hands together, for better color results avoid washing hands with water for a few hours. 

Triple sifted 100% Natural product from the fields of Sojat city in Rajasthan