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More Doctor Who and Philosophy by Paula J. Smithka (editor), Courtland Lewis (editor) 9780812699005 (Paperback, 2015)


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Product details

Language of text:
9780812699005, 978-0812699005
Paula J. Smithka (editor), Courtland Lewis (editor)
Open Court
Popular Culture and Philosophy, Volume 93
Open Court Publishing Company
Publication date:
xi, 340
Product dimensions:
153mm (w) x 229mm (h) x 29mm (d)


More Doctor Who and Philosophy is a completely new collection of chapters, additional to Doctor Who and Philosophy (2010), by the same editors. Since that first Doctor Who and Philosophy, much has happened in the Whoniverse: a new and controversial regeneration of the Doctor, multiple new companions, a few creepy new enemies of both the Doctor and planet Earth. New questions have been raised and new questioners have come along, so there are plenty of new topics for philosophical scrutiny. Is the ?impossible" girl really impossible? Is there anything wrong with an inter-species lesbian relationship (the kids weren't quite ready for that in 1963, but no one blinks an eye in 2015)? Can it really be right for the Doctor to lie and to selectively forget? We even have two authors who have figured out how to build a TARDIS - instructions included! An added feature of this awesome new volume is that the editors have reached out to insiders of Who fandom, people who run hugely successful Who conventions, play in Who-inspired bands, and run wildly popular podcasts and websites, to share their privileged insights into why the Doctor is so philosophically deep.

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Detailed product descriptions

More Doctor Who and Philosophy by Paula J. Smithka (editor), Courtland Lewis (editor) 9780812699005 (Paperback, 2015)

UK delivery is usually within 10 to 12 working days.
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Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9780812699005, 978-0812699005
Author:Paula J. Smithka (editor), Courtland Lewis (editor)
Publisher:Open Court
Series:Popular Culture and Philosophy, Volume 93
Imprint:Open Court Publishing Company
Publication date:2015-12-31
Pages:xi, 340
Product dimensions:153mm (w) x 229mm (h) x 29mm (d)

More Doctor Who and Philosophy is a completely new collection of chapters, additional to Doctor Who and Philosophy (2010), by the same editors. Since that first Doctor Who and Philosophy, much has happened in the Whoniverse: a new and controversial regeneration of the Doctor, multiple new companions, a few creepy new enemies of both the Doctor and planet Earth. New questions have been raised and new questioners have come along, so there are plenty of new topics for philosophical scrutiny. Is the ?impossible" girl really impossible? Is there anything wrong with an inter-species lesbian relationship (the kids weren't quite ready for that in 1963, but no one blinks an eye in 2015)? Can it really be right for the Doctor to lie and to selectively forget? We even have two authors who have figured out how to build a TARDIS - instructions included! An added feature of this awesome new volume is that the editors have reached out to insiders of Who fandom, people who run hugely successful Who conventions, play in Who-inspired bands, and run wildly popular podcasts and websites, to share their privileged insights into why the Doctor is so philosophically deep.
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading