This is a fantastic hand painted antique exvoto from Brazil. It dates to circa 1910-1919. I purchased this one along with five others. Some of the others have a dates on them. One is dated 1892 and this ones last digit is illegible but it’s 1910-1919 somewhere it appears. I assume the rest are of the same era as they look very much the same in material, artwork, and patina. It is painted on a thick section of carved wood with a hole drilled for hanging. It’s approximately 17.5”x5”. The paint is worn in areas and missing in others. The paint is delicate and care must be taken to avoid contact. The image is quaint and the pure folk art charm could not be more perfect. This is really the epitome of the folk art form. It is incredibly rare to find old examples like this on the market. If you find them they are invariably Mexican in origin. Portuguese examples are very uncommon. I will be listing at least four of the five. This is the second I have listed. The last photo in the listing shows the others. There are also some screenshots showing some info on the art form. The writing on the front and back of this one is very hard to make out. It was an offering related to the healing of three sisters. What can be read of the was roughly translated to English for me. It reads approximately “Miracle that the Glorious Saint Benedict worked on the Ines sisters. Of the cure of fistula of the throat. April 191?” The rest couldn’t be read. Please examine photos very carefully. The condition is sensitive. I will pack very carefully but I cannot be responsible for any paint loss in transit. Please know it is possible that some loss could occur with the jostling of mail. I will do my best to pack to avoid this. Ships ASAP! Thanks

Please check my other listings if you’re interested in the other exvotos or other neat art, antiques, and collectibles.