
English Poetry in the Later Nineteenth Century.

by B Ifor Evans

Pub. Methuen & Co. Ltd, London, 1933.

First edition.


xxv, 404 pages.

From the preface - "The poetry of the Great Victorians has been frequently considered, and the first sixty years of the nineteenth century have often been mapped out and described. The second half of the century, despite numerous biographies and essays, has not received any consecutive treatment. Some years ago I realized this absence of a continuous account of later nineteenth-century poetry, and once I had ascertained that Professor Oliver Elton did not intend to continue his Survey of English Literature after 1880, I undertook the construction of a chronicle and a criticism of English poetry from 1860 onwards. In most instances I have limited this study to writers whose main work appears after 1860. I have omitted the later work of Tennyson, Browning, and Matthew Arnold, and others who begin in the earlier part of the century, along with the work of those who are still living. I issue this volume in the belief that there will be a reawakening interest in later nineteenth century poetry. The variety of verse in these decades is notable, and the contrast with the first half of the century is profound. The facile generalization is frequently made that there is little in English poetry between the Pre-Raphaelites and the work of the nineties. Nothing could be more false : Patmore, Meredith, Hardy, Bridges, Hopkins, and many others, had all begun earlier, nor do the nineties present one compact movement, but a thrusting forth of conflicting talents.  I hope that this volume will serve two purposes : first as an account of four decades and more of English poetry, and secondly as a record of my own judgments on the work that they contain. These two purposes are kept as separate as possible, so that those who disagree with my criticisms may yet be able to use the volume as a chronicle. A note on relevant critical literature is inserted at the end of each chapter." 

Very good condition.