It's 1989 and the cops are on the take and the crims are on the make. They are kings of the Cross. They run the street that put the sin in Sin City. The Golden Mile. Kim Hollingsworth is a policeman's daughter who wants to follow daddy's footsteps. She's a stripper and a hooker but that's no problem - until she blows the whistle on bent cops who think they can stand over her. They are wrong. Then there's 'Teflon John' Ibrahim, the rising star who made his name looking after the Bayeh brothers. And there are Trevor Haken, Chook Fowler and the other Kings Cross cops who treat the street as their playground - and play as if there's no tomorrow. But, in 1995, tomorrow comes: the Wood Royal Commission takes on the Black Knights in the police force. The result is mayhem. Underbelly: The Golden Mile is the story of the collapse of a gloriously corrupt empire, of the chaos that follows and the ultimate victory of strong and honest police. A story seen through the eyes of some of the most charming, corrupt, deadly and sexy people of the time. In the end, the police win control of the most infamous strip in Australia. For now.