The Total Body Cleanse Kit with Natural lower digestive tract Cleansing and Deep Intestinal Waste Extraction also offers healthy inch and weight loss benefits. It can assist in the loss of up to 10 pounds in 7 days!


Each Cleansing Kit contains the following:


Offered in a 7 Day or 15 Day Supply


1.     The Alkalinizer - Makes 7 or 15 gallons of Super-Charged Alkaline Water

2.     HydroProx 35 - 8% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide7 or 15 servings

3.     DMSO - Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution - 7 or 15 servings

4.     Tonic-Klenz - Detox & Rejuvenating Daily Tonic Powder - 15 or 30 servings

5.     Tablespoon Scoop &Shaker Cup - 1 Tonic Measure & Mixing Shaker Cup

OPTIONAL PURCHASE: pH Tester Strips - For Testing Saliva & Urine Acid / Alkalinity pH Levels


For BEST Results follow these suggestions as closely as possible.

The Abbreviated Version


Step 1 - An Attitude of Gratitude & Oil Pulling or Chlorella Shot Heavy Metal Detox (upon Awakening)


Step 2 - 24 oz of The Alkalinizer Water with HydroProx 35 & DMSO (1st in the AM)


Step 3 - 5 Minutes of Aerobic Exercise & Ocean Breath Breathing


Step 4 - 12 oz of The Alkalinizer & The Amazing Tonic-Klenz Daily Tonic


Step 5 – Enjoy all the Celery, Cucumbers & Apples you desire. (All Day & Night)


Step 6 - 12 oz of The Alkalinizer & The Amazing Tonic-Klenz Daily Tonic (2 to 4 PM)


Step 7 - 8 to 12 oz of The Alkalinizer & Thanks Giving (at Bed Time)



Fully Explained & Detailed Version


IMPORTANT NOTE: Excellent Health requires sufficient HYDRATION, or your body cannot conduct proper functions and cleansing. The Alkalinizer offers potent alkaline electrolytes and ionic trace minerals to assist in all crucial and necessary body functions. Drink 8 to 12 glasses or more, of purified water with The Alkalinizer throughout each day, depending on your body weight.


Step 1 – Upon Awakening, Begin Your Day with A Clean Heart & Heavy Metal Detox. 
Have an Attitude of Gratitude! Thank your Creator, sing and shout HalleluYah! …for allowing you to wake up and be granted another opportunity for better health, life and a happier world around you.

As often as you are able, cleanse your tongue, mouth and glands with the Ayurvedic method of Oil Pulling OR with a Chlorella Shot for Heavy Metal Detoxification.


Step 2 - Morning Hydro-Flush - Detox, Cleansing & Elimination
Into 24 ounces of The Alkalinizer water, place 5 drops of HydroProx 35-8% and 5 drops DMSO. Drink all within 10 minutes; drink in 4 portions (about 6oz), each portion about 2 minutes apart. You can squeeze fresh Lemon or Lime juice for extra cleansing and flavor.

NOTE: It’s best not to eat or drink ANYTHING else for 30-45 minutes thereafter.

The Alkalinizer water helps to neutralize the acidic toxins and to hydrate and flush out the congested mucus and fecal matter of the yesterday’s past.

HydroProx 35-8% helps revitalize your body, supplying extra Oxygen to your blood, waking up your brain and energizing your morning. It helps to destroy the harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites within, then it helps to excite your immunity and the elimination of decay and toxins.

DMSO is one of the world’s most powerful anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, naturally produced by your body. Inflammation is always associated with disease and pain. A little extra support against free radicals and inflammation is a positive step to better health.


Step 3 - Aerobic Exercise & Ocean Breath Breathing 
Rebounding - One of the most effective methods of energizing your metabolism and your overall wellbeing, is to jumpstart your body for the day. Working up to 5 minutes of aerobic exercise on a Rebounder (the small round trampoline), will give you all the exercise you need. Your goal is to get your heart rate up to at least 120 beats per minute. Other programs and forms of exercise are fine, but they are mainly for your looks. Our studies show that rebounding gives you the "biggest bang for the buck". While exercising your muscles and benefiting your cardio and respiratory systems, rebounding also stimulates your lymphatic system to detoxify.

This boost in your metabolic rate, helps you keep your weight in check, by burning calories and fat all day



Ocean Breath breathing helps to eliminate toxic gasses from your lungs and to oxygenate, energize and detoxify your blood and respiratory system. Do it by itself and/or during your exercise.  You may also want to consider acquiring an Ozone machine for Super Oxygen Breathing & Water.


Step 4 -  Eat Celery, Cucumbers & Apples – Be Sure to Keep Hydrated & Juice.

Keep in good humor - laugh as often as possible - its good medicine!

During this time of cleansing, your body should not concentrate on the digestion of complex meals. You want your body to concentrate all of its energies on Cleansing, NOT digesting verities of complex foods. Don’t waste all of your time and energy, to just let your body stay the same.


During this period, only eat Celery, Cucumbers and Granny Smith (green) Apples. It is best to eat Organic, but if you can not afford them, know how to wash and clean off the “bad stuff”. Eat as much as you want and as often as needed. This will fight off any hunger, need to chew and any detoxing reactions and feelings.


After your cleanse - Remember, processed foods, meats, dairy, breads and other such carbs, all cause excess acidity, mucus, colon congestion and weight gain, which can all lead to various disease conditions.


Step 5 - The Amazing Tonic-Klenz & The Alkalinizer

Take 2 times Daily. First, about 30 minutes after your exercise. Then, between 2 pm and 4 pm.


In a Shaker Cup, add 6 to 8 ounces of The Alkalinizer water, then add 2 tablespoons of the Tonic-Klenz. Swirl powder into the water before shaking vigorously, then drink. For a smoother texture, let sit for a couple of minutes, shake again and drink. If you prefer, for a change of flavor, you can add some unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice.


Q. Why daily? Isn’t that too much cleansing? – A. Don’t you eliminate every day? Don’t you ingest and breath in toxins from the environment and from processed foods, pesticides, household chemicals and the common toxins your body produces from what you ingest? Just as all of these various toxins come in, to invade your body, which are the primary cause of disease, you need to keep flushing out the toxins and wastes that invade your body consistently and continuously, on a daily basis! If you don’t continuously flush them out, they will build up and cause all kinds of health issues.


Tonic-Klenz is a complete daily body cleanser, balancer, energizer and rejuvenator.

Your body naturally detoxes between the hours of 2 to 4, in both the early morning and the late afternoon. This “toxic dump” causes sluggishness and stress on the body. Most people who die in their sleep, do so because their heart and liver cannot handle the shock of the high level of toxins dumped, while at rest. This is why it is best to take the Tonic-Klenz during these hours of late afternoon or at bedtime. The Tonic-Klenz helps to neutralize these highly acidic toxins, absorb them and hold on to them until eliminated.


Variations - Depending on the condition of your health, the Tonic-Klenz can be taken from 1 to 3 times a day, and/or may be split up into smaller, more frequent servings.


Note: Should you become constipated, stop taking the Tonic-Klenz, drink more water until you have fully hydrated the feces and thoroughly eliminated, before resuming again. This is why it is especially important to drink plenty of water, since the Tonic-Klenz absorbs water and waste to help in its elimination.

Step 6 - A Clear Constitution, Conscience & Heart
Before going to sleep, drink a glass of The Alkalinizer water, to continue the necessary hydration and flushing, which moves toxins through your system, while you sleep. It also helps to neutralize excess acidity, which protects against the harsh “toxic dump” while sleeping.


CAUTION: Regarding Medicines - If you are required to take any medication or any nutritional or dietary products - Take them in between the 3 to 4 hour breaks of taking the Tonic-Klenz. That means - 1 1/2 to 2 hours after taking theTonic-Klenz, take those items that you would need to take. This will help in preventing any interference with what you are taking, with the detoxification benefits of the Tonic-Klenz.