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5boxes(50 Patches) LingRui Musk Strengthen-Bone Relieving Pain Plaster

Ling(羚)Rui(锐)She (麝)Xiang(香)Zhuang(壮)Gu(骨)Zhi(止)Tong(痛)Gao(膏)

麝香(She Xiang:musk);壮骨(Zhuang Gu:strength-bone)止痛(Zhi Tong:relieve pain);膏(Gao:plaster)

This plaster is an OTC product made by China’s official pharmaceutical factory under National Drug Standard with the approval of China’s FDA.

Chinese herbal medicine is a major aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on restoring a balance of energy, body, and spirit to maintain health rather than treating a particular disease or medical condition. Herbs are used with the goal of restoring balance by nourishing the body. 

Chinese herbal medicine uses a variety of herbs, in different combinations, to restore balance to the body.Herbal preparations are said to prevent and treat hormone disturbances, infections, breathing disorders, and a vast number of other ailments and diseases. Some practitioners claim herbs have the power to prevent and treat a variety of disease. 

The main ingredient(主料):人工麝香(musk ketone)、生草乌( kusnezoff monkshood)、生川乌(Crude Sichuan aconite root )、乳香(frankincense)、没药(myrrh)、生马钱子(crude)、丁香(clove)、肉桂(cinnamon)、荆棘(brambles)、防风(the root of fangfeng)、老鹳草(geranium wilfordii )、香加皮(cortex periplocae)、积雪草(hydrocotyle centella)、骨碎补(drynaria rhizome)、白芷(angelica dahurica benth)、山奈(rhizoma kaempferiae )、干姜(ginger)、水杨酸甲脂(methylsalicylate)、薄荷脑(menthol)、冰片(borneol)、樟脑(camphor)、芸香浸膏(Rue extract)、颠茄流浸膏(extractum belladonnae liquidum)

Accessories(辅料):橡胶(rubber)、松香(rosin)、氧化锌(flower of zinc)、立德粉(lithopone)、羊毛脂(lanoline)、凡士林(vaseline)、液状石蜡(chrismaline)、二甲基亚砜(dimethyl sulfoxide)、抗氧化剂101(antioxidant101)

Main functions(功能主治):  祛风湿(disple rheumatism)、活血止痛(promoting blood circulation to arrest pain).用于风湿关节、肌肉痛、扭伤(using in rheumatoid arthritis、muscle pain、sprain)

【Approve批准文号】 The country of medicine accurate国药准字:Z41020300

Specification: 1 bag within 10 plain sheets (7cm X 10cm per sheet )


Usage:  External use only.  First clean the skin of the affected area and dry it, then tear off the plastic cover and stick the plaster on the skin.  Change a new one every 12 hours.



1. For external use only.

2. To make it effective, it’s forbidden to eat raw, cold or fat food when using it.

3. Do not apply it on wounded or festered skin.

4. Pregnant women should not use it.  Glaucoma, Prostate Hyperplasia patients, children, women during the periods of menstruation or lactation and frail elderly people should use it under guidance of the GP.

5. The plaster is not recommended for long-term use or large area use.  If symptoms like itch or skin rash occur after use, please stop using it.  For serious symptoms, please consult the GP.

6. Please see the GP if your problem has not been relieved after use for 3 days.

7. People show hypersensitivity to it or patients with allergic constitution are not recommended to use it.

8. Please keep it out of reach of children.

9. Please consult the GP or pharmacist when taking other medicines at the same time.


Side effect:  Rarely skin rash, itch, edema or fester may occur in the applied area.


Storage:  Sealed and kept at cool and dry place (below 20°C)

This listing is for:

50 Patches LingRui Musk Strengthen-Bone Relieving Pain Plaster