
The Kamen Riders, known as Oni, battle man eating beasts called Makamou with "pure sound". One of the Oni, a man named Hibiki ends up having a teacher and apprentice-like relationship with Asumu Adachi. A young boy unsure of himself and is at a crossroads in his life as he transitions to high school, Asumu learns to be an adult through watching Hibiki and the other Oni as they all train together to hone their skills in fighting the Makamou and the homunculi aiding them. However, the sudden raise of Makamou numbers proves to be a prelude to an upcoming calamity.

DVD Details

Disc Quantity :

3 Discs

Episodes :

1-48 Episodes + Movie

Version@Language :

Japanese / Mandarin / Malay
( TV Dubbed in Jap, Man only )
( Movie Dubbed in Jap, Mal only ) 

Subtitles :

English / Chinese / Malay

Format & Region :

DVD9 / NTSC & All region code ( 16: 9 )

Duration :

Approx. 1245 Minutes  

Genres :


Shipping & Handling Details

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  • The product will be shipped using Express Mail with Traceable Postage. Tracking code will be provided to customers.
  • Shipment notification will be given to the customer once the product is ready to ship.

For Worldwide International Shipment, please allow 5 - 14 days for your item to arrive.

Replacement Policy

  • We are 100% committed to ensuring our customers are satisfied with their purchase. Any product found to be faulty, We will issue new replacement discs.
  • Products are FULLY INSURED (Any product lost in shipment will be replace with a new set or fully refund)

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Customers Notes

Please contact us before leaving any bad FEEDBACKS or DISPUTES. We provide after sales service
