A proprietary blend of 23 botanical extracts from Lifestyles that help to boost your body's systems while increasing your energy and vitality.

Nourish Your Body Cells With Lifestyles Intra Juice!

 Lifestyles Intra juice is a one of a kind, complete and pleasant tasting, nutritional beverage that nourishes body cells and provides essential plant-based phytonutrients (found only in plants).

Botanicals have been used historically for thousands of years to maintain optimal health and vitality. Herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves, and flowers (the botanicals) formed the basis of the food supply for many native cultures. For at least 3,000 years humans have known the powerful effect these natural compounds have on our well-being.

Lifestyles intra juice is not a drug, but a natural health supplement formulated with 23 botanical extracts that work synergistically to help balance and strengthen the

Q. What is Intra?A. Intra is a unique and proprietary blend of 23 botanical extracts designed to support,balance and strengthen the 8 biological systems of the body. It has been speciallyformulated to include food based botanical extracts and has been enjoyed aroundthe world for over 20 years. Intra helps to maintain good health. 

Q. What type of benefits can I expect to see using Intra?A. Intra works with the natural systems of the body and, because each one of us is different,we experience different results when using the product. In general, Intra helps supportand strengthen the body. Everyone who uses Intra daily will experience different benefits. 

Q. How much Intra should I take every day?A. The suggested use of Intra is 28 ml to 56 ml (1 – 2 fluid ounces) a day, but up to168 ml (6 fluid ounces) can be safely consumed daily if you feel like your body needsadditional support. Intra is suitable for the whole family


The secret to Intra’s efficacy is the synergistic effect, in which numerous herbs in a blended formulation work together to offer a higher benefit than any of the individual components on their own. 

Since 1992, Regular use of Intra supports the concept of promoting health & total wellness, which entails doing tiny things daily to keep the body strong and healthy throughout one’s life

Intra has been distributed and used safely in more than 40 countries worldwide.

With millions of delighted clients around the world, Intra has an established track record of safety and effectiveness.