This listing offers eggs of Megalebias wolterstorffi «Ilha do Leonídio» (Rio Grande do Sul • Brazil) in the spawning substrate. It's a result of 2-pair x 10-day spawn (uncounted eggs). For experienced killifish breeders!

Incubation of the eggs may take from 3 to 4 months and hatching can be hastened by putting them in a shallow tank of water. However, do not be tempted to rush the process as this might harm the fry. If the eggs still haven’t hatched after another 4 to 5 weeks, repeat this process until they do. Some breeders have even been known to dry and re-wet the substrate, which has led to more varied hatchings with faster development times. When you can see moving embryos with eyes inside the egg then the eggs are ready for hatching. Change out water regularly post-hatch in order to speed up growth rate, and feed Baby Brine Shrimp, Vinegar Eels, Banana Worms or Microworms for the few weeks till the fry can take larger foods. 
  • Average Eggs Incubation Period: 3 - 4 Months at 25°C - 27°C
  • Peat Wetness: Semi-Dry
  • Fry Size: Large (can take BBS right after hatching)
  • Sexual Maturity: 10 - 12 Weeks
  • Life Span: 12 - 18 Months (depends on food and keeping conditions)
  • Filtration: Moderate (no current)
  • Water Changes: 1/3 Weekly (Important!) - keep it clean all the time
  • General Hardness: 0 - 5 dGH
  • pH: 6.5 - 6.8
  • Keeping Temperature Range: 16°C - 24°C
  • Lighting: Moderate Light
  • Diet: Live Foods Only (Bloodworm, Tubifex, Artemia, Daphnia, Grindal or White Worms)

DISCLAIMERThe circumstances of storage and package handling during shipment are beyond our control. We cannot be held accountable for anything went wrong (customs issues, dead eggs on arrival, dissolved eggs, problems with hatching, belly sliders, hatch rate, sex ratio etc.). No reimbursements will be issued in the event of such issues. By winning this auction, the winner accepts our disclaimer in full.