Original Sep 13, 1917 Mid-Week Pictorial, NY Times. Mostly pictures, few words on current events & personalities, sports, movies, theater, fashion, etc. Cover of National Army celebration, Sep. 4, 1917, at Washington DC. Related double page pictures of Army celebrations throughout country. Double page illustrated article of American army in London. Full page pictures Women Who Serve their Country in War Times.  Women in British and American armies. Also pictured is Mrs William Tisdale who has seven sons(2 British army, 2 Canadian, 3 American) serving in the war. Double page illustrated article on Training of the US Army w 3/4 of the space on Training at Spartanburg, SC.  Other pictures and topics of interest. ~11in x 16in. 24 pages.  In protective sleeve. If you are interested in old books, newspapers, documents and paper memorabilia, please check out others items I have for bids. We do combine, when possible, like items, to save on shipping(11).(12-10-21A)