Christian Theology ? Biblical, Historical, and Systematic

Author(s): Adam Harwood
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Faithlife Corporation, United States
Imprint: Faithlife Corporation
ISBN-13: 9781683596011, 978-1683596011


Adam Harwood's Christian Theology is both biblically faithful and historically informed, providing a fresh synthesis of the essential doctrines of the faith. Topics include:

Theological Method
The Doctrine of Revelation
General Revelation
Special Revelation
The Doctrine of God
The Doctrine of the Trinity
God?s Name
God?s Attributes
Providence and Evil
Angels, Satan, and Demons
The Doctrine of Humanity
Human Identity and Constitution
God?s Design for Human Sexuality
Original Sin
The Doctrine of Christ
The Person of Christ: New Testament Survey
The Person of Christ: Doctrinal Development and Theological Issues
The Work of Christ: Death and Resurrection, Biblical Survey of the Atonement
The Work of Christ: Historical Survey of Atonement Models
The Work of Christ: Theological Issues
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Biblical Survey of the Holy Spirit?s Person & Work
Historical Survey of the Holy Spirit?s Person & Work
Theological Survey of the Holy Spirit?s Person & Work
The Doctrine of Salvation
Biblical Survey of Salvation
Predestination and Election
Historical Survey and Issues in the Doctrine of Salvation
The Doctrine of the Church
Biblical and Historical Survey: The Nature and Marks of the Church
Ministries and Ordinances
Structures within and among Churches
The Doctrine of Last Things
Death, Afterlife, and the Christian Hope
Thy Kingdom Come
Hell and Heaven

The church has been entrusted with God's revelation ? and to steward the word of truth, we must confess the Bible's teaching with clarity and conviction. Writing from a Baptist perspective, Harwood brings fresh insights that many systematic theologies lack. With readable prose, suggestions for further study, and discussion questions, Christian Theology will equip students and pastors to clarify and articulate what they believe and why.