Statue Hindu God Lord Ganesh/Ganesha Seated w Rat Good Fortune, Wealth & Luxury

Statue Hindu God Lord Ganesh/Ganesha Seated w Rat Good Fortune, Wealth & Luxury

This statue is a Thai depiction of the Hindu God, Ganesh. Also spelled "Ganesha" or "Ganesa," Lord Ganesh is one of the most well-known and worshipped Hindu Gods. He is the first son of Shiva and Parvati, and the consort of Buddhi (also called Riddhi) and Siddhi. "Ga" symbolizes Buddhi (intellect) and "Na" symbolizes Vidnyana (wisdom). Ganesh is thus considered the master of intellect and wisdom. He is depicted as big-bellied, yellow or red, with four arms and the head of a one-tusked elephant. Ganesh statues are meant to bring the owner good fortune, wealth, and luxury.

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Dimensions - 4.5" x 2.75" x 5" | Weight - 1 lb | Materials - Buffalo Bone*/Resin/Stone | Hand-Finished

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*Our statues are made by using a unique process of combining water buffalo bone and crushed stone with resin. This composite is then poured into artist-created molds. Next, the artist will hand-finish each statue individually. This process includes sanding, polishing, painting and a final polish to give the statue that extra shine.

The water buffalo bone used to create our statues is taken from buffaloes that have led long lives. Please understand that these animals are not being killed for their bones. The water buffalo is extremely valuable to the Thai farmer, ALIVE! They are a very important part of rural Southeast Asian life because these powerful animals are used for farm work (plowing) and transport. Only after the animal has died, do the farmers sell their animal's bones to be used in this process.