50 Style Wiring Harness for Gibson Les Pauls.

My harnesses are wired to the same specifications as Gibson Les Pauls from the early 1950s to 1960. (known as the golden age of Gibson’s electric guitars). I only use the most high end parts I can get my hands on to put these harnesses together. I solder them myself using lead-in solder wire as they did in the 50s. Each harness is equipped with four CTS 550k long brass shaft Potentiometers which are split shaft and 20% audio taper. They have an extra roll (unlike 500k pots) to be able to bring your volume further down without cutting the signal of your guitar. The capacitors are the best bumblebee capacitors in the market straight from Luxe Radio. These capacitors are made to the exact specifications to the real deal bumblebees you’d find in a 50s Gibson LP. Filled with genuine castor oil these capacitors are wired from center lug to outer lug of the tone pot so you won’t lose brightness or clarity when rolling the tone down on your Les Paul. All four Potentiometers are grounded with 22g AWG Buss wire, as were the 50s Les Pauls. These also come in Orange Drop Capacitor versions. Rather you’re chasing tone or simply want the aesthetics of an old Les Paul with quality parts, I’ve got it! 🐝 🍊