vintage picture book lot Rare.

Vintage pictures 1950-1970

Years. Ukraine. Fun in kindergarten. Children's pictures 8 pieces 64 cm by 47 fun in kindergarten children sledding down the hill "boy share his gloves with his little brother" "children play with blocks" "winter walks" "water games" cook "" at the stables." children bathe the doll

There are pictures with a double pattern, there are 2 of them. The disadvantages are the corners are torn (but it is possible to cut the pictures on the sides), although this is not very visible. . One is not much thicker with the cook and one is quite a bit thinner with the horses. But this is a ready-made exhibition for collectors of 1950-1960-1970s. This is a ready-made exhibition Price for 8 pieces -250 + shipping.worldwide shipping from Ukraine