The set of essential oils "Aroma bath" Aromatika is designed to increase immunity and the general tone of the body, its natural essential oils effectively stimulate metabolic processes. Essential oils penetrate well through the skin and enhance the therapeutic effect of traditional healing procedures in baths and saunas. They are also effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

  Boxes with essential oils are placed in a waterproof bag, very convenient for visiting such wet rooms 
as a bath or sauna.


  Grapefruit essential oil, with its pleasant, gentle, bitter-sweet, refreshing aroma, similar to the smell of orange and lemon with notes of grass and bitterness, has an antidepressant, tonic, stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Brightens and whitens the skin, softens it in case of cellulite, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands. It is used for depression, stress, fatigue, cellulite, obesity, age spots, hair loss.

  Precautions!!! Individual intolerance to grapefruit essential oil. Be careful during pregnancy, epilepsy, hypertension. It should be remembered that grapefruit essential oil is moderately phototoxic and can irritate sensitive skin in the sun.

  Cedar essential oil, with its woody, fresh, bitter, balsamic aroma, has a powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic, immunomodulating, powerful antioxidant effect. Has a calming effect, eliminates nervousness, inattention, insecurity.
Eliminates inflammatory reactions on the skin, increases its elasticity, rejuvenates the skin. Prevents hair loss and dandruff formation. Recommended for insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, manifestations of anxiety, fear, anger, hysteria. An excellent remedy for cellulite and for fighting excess weight.

  Precautions!!! Do not use during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, increased nervous excitability, epilepsy and acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis). Use with caution in hypertension. It is undesirable to use continuously for more than three weeks. There is no phototoxic effect, but cases of skin pigmentation have been observed. May cause irritation on very sensitive skin. In case of overdose, it irritates the skin and mucous membranes, and also has an excitatory and epileptiform effect on the central nervous system. It must be remembered that the use of cedar oil is incompatible with chemotherapeutic treatment of oncological diseases and the intake of alcohol (causes an aversion to alcohol).

  Melissa essential oil, with its fresh, cool, morning, tonic, sweet, impetuous, pungent aroma, has a strong antiviral, bactericidal effect. It calms and at the same time lifts the mood, eliminates irritability and restlessness, increases sweating, normalizes sebum secretion of the scalp, prevents baldness, restores the original color of the lips. It is used for insomnia, reduced mental and physical performance, insect bites, for the care of oily and problematic skin.

  Precautions!!!  Do not use during pregnancy (especially in the first 5 months). Do not use the drug for more than two weeks in a row. Do not use the drug in the form of inhalations (it can cause a chemical burn of the mucous membrane). The sharp smell of lemon balm can cause short-term laryngitis, hoarseness and a sore throat, which should be taken into account by lecturers, announcers, teachers, and singers. The oil may irritate sensitive skin.

  Eucalyptus essential oil, with its strong, penetrating, light, fresh, tarry-tart, spicy, cooling, camphor-like aroma, has an antiseptic, strong bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, diaphoretic, regenerating effect. Oil improves mental activity and mood, eliminates increased fatigue, drowsiness and depression; normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, whitens and deodorizes the skin, regenerates damaged areas of the skin after frostbite and burns.

  Precautions!!! Do not use the oil in case of high blood pressure, epilepsy, as well as children under 6 years of age. Although it is believed that eucalyptus oil is safe after four months of pregnancy, it is better to refrain from using it during pregnancy. Before using the oil, it is necessary to check individual sensitivity, as allergic reactions are possible. When used externally, the oil can cause skin irritation, so it should not be applied to hypersensitive skin. Eucalyptus oil cannot be used simultaneously with chemotherapeutic treatment of oncological diseases. You should not combine the use of eucalyptus oil with treatment with homeopathic drugs due to the loss of their effectiveness.

Rules for using essential oils in the bath!

  When using essential oils in the bath, you should not spray them directly on heating elements (for example, on hot stones). In this case, the essential oil will simply burn, releasing unpleasant and harmful smells. The oil is usually diluted in warm water. In a Finnish sauna, heat-resistant containers with water and oil are placed near the heater or stove. And in a Russian bath, essential oils diluted with water are splashed onto wooden walls, benches, and the floor. It is also permissible to treat the steam room shelves with a mixture of bath oils and water and soak brooms in it. In this case, oil is added to hot water poured into a 1-1.5-liter container, the required amount of oil is added, and the mixture is poured in small portions onto heated walls and shelves. At the same time, the oil intensively evaporates from hot surfaces, but does not burn.


► In baths: prepare aromatic water: add 5-10 drops of essential oil (or a mixture of essential oils) to 1-2 tablespoons of an emulsifier (honey, sea salt, whey, cream), dissolve in 500 ml of water. In the baths, wipe the wooden shelves with this water, wet the steamed brooms, pour small portions on the stones in the steam room. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 20 minutes (increase gradually), no more than 1-2 times a week.
► In the sauna: use 200-300 ml of aromatic water (see above), which is placed in a vessel with a wide mouth on the stone in the steam room, and 3-5 minutes before exiting, you can splash 1-2 tablespoons on the stone , sprinkle the wooden benches and walls of the steam room with water. See procedure time. above. These are the strongest healing procedures.


  You cannot use those essential oils to which you have an individual intolerance. Even before visiting the bathhouse, it is necessary to check how you tolerate the essential oil that you are going to use in the bathhouse. The first use of a new type of essential oil should be started with the minimum dosage - 1-3 drops. Only if no side effects have been noticed, you can proceed to the full concentration: approximately 5-10 drops per 15 m² of steam room. And yet, when using a new essential oil for the first time in the steam room, you should not stay longer than 3-7 minutes. People suffering from hypertension, epilepsy, kidney or heart failure should be especially careful when choosing essential oils for going to the bathhouse.

  In the bath, you can use both individual oils and make mixtures of different oils. Do not try to try all the oils at once. It can harm your health. There should be a measure in everything! If you mix several types of oils, the total amount should not exceed 10 drops per 15 m² of bath area. The time spent in the aromatic steam room is 15-20 minutes.

  When used correctly, essential oils will help improve your well-being and lift your mood. A healing and fragrant bath for you!

  Store in the original packaging out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources at temperatures from 
+5 °C to +25 °C.

COMPOSITION (INCI): Citrus Paradisi Peel Oil; Cupressus Funebris Wood Oil; Melissa Officinalis Oil; Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil.

Essential oils are produced in a bright and beautiful box and can be an excellent gift for your relatives and friends.