Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Blending Books: Essential Blending Book 1

Author(s): Kate McLelland, Tara Dodson
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Oxford University Press, United Kingdom
Imprint: Oxford University Press
ISBN-13: 9781382039949, 978-1382039949


Essential Blending Books are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. They allow children to practise blending sounds together to make words. Children can use the pictures to check whether they were correct. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These Essential Blending Books are from Oxford University Press and can be used to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds.

Book 1 covers GPCs s, a, t and p. It allows children to apply their phonics learning from Reception, Autumn 1, Week 1 of Essential Letters and Sounds.