The 6-volume collection of YESENIN SERGEY (Сергей Есенин), one of the most popular and well-known Russian poets of the 20th century. Each book contains Yesenin's handwritten copies of texts (please see the photos).

Yesenin called himself “the last poet of the village,” both in the sense of his peasant origins and of being the last among his contemporaries whose poems were mainly concerned with country life. A founding member of the short-lived but influential Imaginist movement (related to the Western Imagism and standing in contrast to Futurism), Yesenin was a star whose public performances were attended by hundreds or thousands of adoring fans across the country. He jousted with Vladimir Mayakovsky and was known for publicity stunts. Yesenin was unhappily married three times; his second wife was Isadora Duncan, and his third wife was the granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy.

The book set may be a perfect gift for a book lover and classic literature fan.

Perfect vintage condition.

Language - Russian. Hardcovers.
Published in USSR, Moscow in 1977-1980 (500 000 copies).


Volume 1 - Poems 1910-1925 ("По селу тропинкой кривенькой...", "О Русь, взмахни крылами...", "Персидские мотивы", etc.)
Volume 2 - Poems 1912-1925 ("Марфа Посадница", "Русь", "Товарищ", "Иорданская голубица", "Инония", etc.)
Volume 3 - Poems 1921-1925 ("Пугачев", "Анна Снегина", "Песнь о великом походе", "Поэма о 36", "Страна негодяев", etc.)
Volume 4 - Poems not included in the previous editions ("Больные думы", "Клен ты мой опавший, клен заледенелый...", etc.)
Volume 5 - Stories, essays and other prose
Volume 6 - Letters

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