The World Famous Jerky Board

Extra Insert

Made in Grand Rapids, Michigan by PlexiCase

for The Insulation Station

This insert is 1/8 of an inch thick. Perfectly machined to fit The World Famous Jerky Board and Jerky Board Pro.

Each Jerky Board (and Pro) comes with 1 insert already. Using 2 inserts will allow you cut jerky to 1/8 inch thickness

The Jerky Board

is the perfect way to cut thin strips of meat with precision.

Use no insert to achieve 3/8 inch thickness. Use 1 insert to achieve 1/4 inch thickness. Use 2 inserts to achieve 1/8 inch thickness.

  It can also be used to slice ham and turkey, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Flip it over and use the Jerky Board to cut your slices into strips.

Works best with a thin blade filet style knife with 8 inch blade or longer.

*100% Dish Washer Safe*

Made with High Quality 3/4 inch HDPE Cutting board material.

Demonstration Video