AIM - BarleyLife Powder ~ Cold Pressed

                                              nutrition ~  for your cells

Young fresh barley leaves, picked at night  in their prime to preserve the concentrated nutrients and processed in a proprietary processing technology which keeps the juice cold to create a raw powder.

Japanese researchers discovered that young, green barley grass contains a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants, phytonutrients and enzymes.  When harvested at this early stage, young barley leaves have a different nutritional makeup from their mature counterparts.

BarleyLife Powder ~ 90 servings

  • Increases over all energy
  • Helps alkalise the body
  • Contains the enzyme SOD
  •  Contains 22.4mg of Chlorophyll
  • One tablespoon amounts to 6.24 cups of barley leaves
Pral(potential renal acid load)
BarleyLife has a  PRAL of an impressive -6.8. BarleyLife's negative PRAL value indicates that it is a strong alkalizing trio of food.

Serving Suggestions
Take one rounded teaspoon 2 times per day.  Many start with 1/2tsp and increase gradually. Best taken on an empty stomach, 30 mins prior to eating or two hours after a meal.

NB: This product is not intended to diagnose , treat, cure or prevent any disease.