FAIRY LEMON WASHING UP LIQUID, 383ML - Make dishwashing a breeze with Fairy Lemon Washing Up Liquid. This 383ml bottle of washing up liquid is a must-have for any kitchen. Its powerful formula cuts through grease and grime, leaving your dishes sparkling clean. The refreshing lemon scent adds a pleasant aroma to your kitchen, making the task of washing up a little more enjoyable.

HOME CARE & CLEANING ESSENTIAL - Keeping your dishes clean is an essential part of maintaining a hygienic home. With Fairy Lemon Washing Up Liquid, you can trust that your dishes will be thoroughly cleaned and free from grease and food residue. This washing up liquid is specially formulated to provide excellent cleaning power while being gentle on your hands.

DISHWASHING - Dishwashing can be a tedious task, but with the right washing up liquid, it becomes much easier. Fairy Lemon Washing Up Liquid is designed to make dishwashing effortless. Its concentrated formula means that a little goes a long way, saving you time and money. Say goodbye to stubborn grease and hello to sparkling clean dishes.

WASHING-UP LIQUID - Washing-up liquid is a staple in every kitchen. It helps remove grease and food residue from dishes, pots, and pans, ensuring they are clean and ready to use again. Fairy Lemon Washing Up Liquid is a trusted brand known for its superior cleaning power. Add this 383ml bottle to your kitchen cleaning arsenal and experience the difference it makes in your dishwashing routine.

HOME CARE & CLEANING - Home care and cleaning products are essential for maintaining a clean and organized living space. Fairy Lemon Washing Up Liquid is a valuable addition to your collection of home care products. Its powerful cleaning action, combined with the refreshing lemon scent, makes it a reliable choice for tackling dirty dishes. Invest in this 383ml bottle and enjoy the benefits of a clean and fresh kitchen.