How To Win At Checkers by Millard F. Hopper 1932


Poor condition, especially at bottom right -- see all photos.


This is not one of the many reprints issued later.  This is the actual book from 1932!


If you have a friend who enjoys vintage games, this would be an amazing gift for them!


The photos you see here are photos of the actual book that you will receive.  Many book sellers online post using stock photos that often don’t resemble the book you actually receive.

Millard Fillmore Hopper (1894-1985) Born 1894 in Greenwich Village he was a writer, publisher, and touring exhibition checkers player during the 1930s & 1940s. He did radio and television broadcasts on checkers, entertain the troops during WW2 and so many more checkers related activities. He competed in two world title matches against Tom Wiswell for the Freestyle Championship, losing in 1951 scoring 2-7-27 draws, and drawing his second match in 1953 scoring 2-2-26 draws. Overall Millard Hopper played thousands of games just at the New York World Fair and to his special credit Marion Tinsley did pick up his book as one of his first checker’s books. Millard Hopper’s actual title on the book cover as the Unrestricted Champion was achieved in a ten-game match with Alfred Jordan, Champion of Great Britain.