Himalaya Evecare Capsule is indicated for relief from premenstrual syndrome, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and assisted conception. The Himalaya Evecare Capsule is helpful in treating menstrual disorders like heavy bleeding, irregular periods and abdominal cramps. It can be consumed for increasing the level of hemoglobin, regulating reproductive function and also treating anemia due to uterine disorders. The Himalaya Evecare capsule is also recommended for general weakness in women.

Ashoka Tree

Ashoka Tree

Ashoka Tree (Ashoka) has potent estrogenic properties, which repair the endometrium, regulate estrogen levels and help heal the inflamed endometrium during menstruation.



Asparagus (Shatavari) restores hormonal balance in women with fluctuating hormonal levels as a result of menstruation and menopause. It is also a popular herb that enhances fertility, and regulates the menstrual cycle and relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Lodh Tree

Lodh Tree

Lodh Tree (Lodhra) improves fertility by regulating ovarian hormones.

Malabar Nut

Malabar Nut

Malabar Nut (Vasaka) has effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which relieve pain during dysmenorrhea.
