This Screw-In Adapter is made to fit the popular high quality Replica FCR 39 Carburetor (that is available on Aliexpress). It enables you to easily and economically upgrade your DR-Z 400 S or SM. It is machined precisely from aluminium and sits between the carburetor and the required DR-Z 400 E-Model rubber boot (available online or through your Suzuki dealer; Part no.: 13111-29F21-000).

The Adapter contains a retention groove that is designed to exactly fit the E-model boot. A missing retention groove, like you would have when using standard silicone hoses for the connection, pose the risk of the carburetor getting blown off the engine intake in case of a backfiring event during closed throttle.

The massive performance and rideability gains that the tuning carburetor for the DR-Z 400 is known for, was so far connected with an investment of around 700$. With the replica carburetor (not part of this offer) it's available for only a fraction of this (around 150$). Unfortunately the generic replica is not made to fit directly into the DR-Z. This is because the it comes with generic adapters that prevent the correct installation into the frame due to the carburetor assembly being too long and the diameter of the adapters not fitting the rubber boot and airbox. This Adapter is designed so that the original length of the Standard Carburetor is kept and the rubber boot fits. This way installation is easy and no challenge even for inexperienced mechanics.

For ANY enquiries regarding this upgrade (compatibility, installation etc.) don't hesitate to contact us!

Have a look at the discounted complete set including all adapters: JUST 99€