Hello! Meet.... Anonymous?!? 🤔

What makes Anonymous truly extraordinary is the inexplicable presence that surrounds him. Some have reported witnessing peculiar occurrences while in his presence. The sound of whispers mid of night, inexplicable movements, and a sense of being watched are a few of the inexplicable phenomena report by previous owners. For us, he has been one of our more quieter (dormant) spirits, as long as the living space is quiet. When there's high tension in the air Anonymous will react with a matching negative  energy. This will lead to having uneasy feelings or emotions when coming into close contact with him, the feeling of being watched, and the movement of inanimate objects.

Adding to his mystique, poor Anonymous bears a broken neck, which only adds to his haunting charm. This visible flaw serves as a constant reminder of his enigmatic history and the experiences he has witnessed

We actually have yet to discover his real name so we refer to him as Anonymous. He has communicated to be a male and we believe him to be an older soul - roughly in his 50s-60s. He knows how to communicate through dowsing rods and Ouija. We also assume he is a cat lover because his light (catball) will go crazy whenever our cats walk in the room.

***Note: This listing is for entertainment purposes only. The doll's alleged haunted nature is not guaranteed or scientifically proven.***