Series: Thirty (2014)

Stuart "Outback" Selkirk (version 8) was released as part of the 2014 International G.I.Joe Convention (Dallas, TX) exclusive Zombie Initiative box set from the Official G.I. Joe Collectors' Club. The set also included Clean-Sweep (v2), two Cobra Lab-RatsFlint (v22)Ozone (v5)RepulsorSteel Brigade Commander (v2)T'JBang (v2), three Toxo-Vipers (v3), and three Toxo-Zombies (v2).

Not all equipment shown

I have officially run out of room and will be liquidating some carded and loose joe figures / vehicles.

Will be randomly posting whatever I happen to grab so if there is anything specific you are looking for let me know.

Free shipping is available on orders over $300.00  CAD