Discover the captivating power of Hollywood on today's culture with the 'Remote Control' book by Carl Kerby. This paperback book delves into the impact of the entertainment industry on our society, covering topics such as media studies, business ethics, and even environmental conservation. Published by New Leaf Publishing Group in 2006, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection between art, media, and society.

The book features 116 pages of insightful analysis and commentary, covering a wide range of genres including literary criticism, religion, social science, and performing arts. With a weight of only 5.1 ounces and dimensions of 8.4 inches in length, 6.5 inches in width, and 0.3 inches in height, this book is the perfect addition to any bookshelf. Explore the power of Hollywood like never before with 'Remote Control' by Carl Kerby.