1665 Mathematics Italian Renaldini Analytical Algebra Geometry MATH Philosophy


Carlo Renaldini was a 17th-century Italian mathematician who is best remembered for his book ‘The Art of Analytical Mathematics’. In it, Renaldini covered algebra, geometry, and basic mathematics principles through and analytical and philosophical lens. In fact, much of his professional career was spent as philosopher so his mathematics was certainly influenced by his philosophical approaches.


This vellum-bound 1665 folio, the algebra volume, is filled with countless problems and solutions both algebraic and geometric.


Item number: #22983

Price: $950




Caroli Renaldinii ... Ars analytica mathematum in tres partes distributa, quarum prima, veterum analystarum, secunda, recentiorum doctrinam locupletatam complectitur


Florentiae: ex typographia Iosephi Cocchini, 1665


·        Collation: Complete with all pages;

o   [6], 534, [34]

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Vellum, tight and secure

·       Size: ~13.5in X 9.25in (34.5cm x 23.5cm)

·       rare and desirable


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