Brand new and high quality.
Support for the Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX/Win/Linux).
Power via USB or External Source - 5v or 7-35v (automatic selection).
On-board 500ma 5V Regulator.
Built-in USB (and serial debugging).
6 I/O Pins (2 are used for USB only if your program actively communicates over USB, otherwise you can use all 6 even if you are programming via USB).
8k Flash Memory (about 6k after bootloader).
I2C and SPI (vis USI).
PWM on 3 pins (more possible with Software PWM).
ADC on 4 pins.
Power LED and Test/Status LED (on Pin0).
Size: 1.8cm x 2.6cm .

ATTINY85 blue/Black

Introduced the ATtiny MCU series
        Art Mel ATtiny model single chip integrated with Couette Mel AVR micro controller and flash memory, including 1KB to 4KB, with a 32 KB to 256 KB SRAM. In addition,

these devices support SPI and TWI (with the I2C- compatibility) communication,

provides maximum flexibility and the working voltage of 1.8V to 5.5V.

ATtinyAVR uses the Aite Mel patented picoPower technology,low power consumption.

Through software control system clock frequency,

to achieve the best balance between the system performance and power consumption,

but also has been widely applied.