This is an attractive, uncommon, business cover(in great condition with a few very minor stains and creases) sent on October 6, 1925, from an A.T. Tchehren Nema in Cairo, Egypt, to Isfa--n! A vertical strip of three, brown, 5-Milliemes, Egyptian definitives(in great condition!) paid the postage. From Cairo, the mail went through Port Said(nice machine cancels!;10/7/25), Egypt, Bombay(good, CDS;10/19/25), British India, and Bouchir(pretty nice, arrival & departure cancels), prior to arriving in Isfa--n. From what I have seen online, though, a, "B.I.S.N. Company's fast boat," took about 5 days to reach Bouchir from Bombay in 1925. From Bouchir, the cover would have taken at least 5 days(by camel caravan!) to reach Shi-az, a major city that is still 403 kilometers further northeast! This cover had quite the adventure to reach its destination!