Addicted to Love

 Exploring the Nightlive in Cambodia

 Randy Nightwalker

146 Seiten

NEW: Addicted to Love in Cambodia has been updated, improved and expanded with new episodes to stimulate your imagination... and libido.
Yours truly, Randy Nightwalker, is a seasoned denizen of the night life here Cambodia. Motivated by my hopeless addiction to the hostess bar scene and the need to raise money to pay for it, I’ve decided to share my insights and experiences with you.
Feel starved for love and affection in the often amorous wasteland of the West? Haven’t gotten laid in years? The delicious and delightful ladies of Cambodia beckon you. Whether you are looking for true love or short time sex, a romantic fling or domestic bliss, it’s all for the asking here. Western men have easy access to love in many parts of Southeast Asia but Cambodia is special.
Short, fat, old, ugly? No problem, you can still score in Cambo. Shy, insecure, inexperienced, afraid? Relax, Cambodia will cure your ills. A little stupid, a bit deranged? Still no great deterrent to fun, games or whatever you desire of the fair sex.
Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t all a rose garden; many a brave man has been snookered by one of these beautiful ladies. Still, speaking generally, you’ll have an easier time of love, romance and sex here than you ever would back in the West.
Addicted to Love is an honest account of a near geezer’s encounters and relationships with these very special young women and an insightful and tender look at their lives, hopes and aspirations.
All proceeds go to support Cambodian bar girls!!
Excerpts from the book:
For many of us sex is a powerful driving force. To keep a smile on our faces it needs to happen with regularity, to be really happy it needs to happen as often as desired.
It certainly does get dear going to ten different bars a week, sometimes two or three a night, buying (the girls) drinks in each. In spite of my alarmingly dwindling bank account, I just can’t stop. Part of my problem is summed up by a poster that once hung at one of the freelance bars… It said: I spend most of my money on beer and women, and the rest is wasted. After that I gave up on trying to be frugal, though once I run the bank account down I won’t have a choice.

A friend of mine said if you have self-esteem problems come to Cambodia… (for example) I’m sitting in a bar at an outside table and a midget comes by – misshapen little guy at that – and a girl grabs him and sits him down. She pets him, lays her legs on his, he puts his hand on her leg while grinning like the Cheshire cat, all for the price of (buying her) a drink. She wasn’t that bad looking, seemed kind of fun, maybe a bit older than typical – even for the average guy, who maybe wasn’t all that particular, a worthy companion; for a twisted Tiny Tim a pretty good catch.

In Cambodia the easy part is hooking up. In no time at all, almost effortlessly, as it were, you can have a sweet (or otherwise) young (or otherwise) local woman as a domestic companion. Whereas living together in the States usually necessitates months, if not years, of prior companionship, here as little as a wink, a smile and a simple request can be enough to start a full-time relationship.

People stay in relationships for many reasons aside from the lovey-dovey stuff. In America fear would be an important factor since many people go long periods without a relationship. A bird in the hand, even if it isn’t a prize winner, is worth more than chasing, sometimes for years, those elusive birds in the bush.
That’s one thing for sure an expat living here doesn’t have to worry about. It’s so easy it makes staying together more of a challenge since there’s always a willing silky leg to pat, a delicious warm body to hold, a cheerful friendly soul to help you escape from domestic tensions. All are always at your fingertips.
As in many things in life, both a blessing and a curse.

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