Silver solder wire easy, medium, hard

Silver solder wire is a type of solder that is used to join two pieces of metal together. It is made of a mixture of silver, copper, and sometimes other metals. Silver solder is a strong and durable solder that is often used in jewelry making, electronics, and other applications where a high-quality joint is required.

Easy, medium, and hard

Silver solder wire is available in three different levels of hardness: easy, medium, and hard. The hardness of the solder determines the melting point. Easy solder has the lowest melting point, followed by medium solder and hard solder.

Medium solder

Medium solder has a melting point of around 700 degrees Celsius. Medium solder is a good all-purpose solder that is suitable for a variety of applications.

How to use

To use silver solder wire, you will need a soldering iron, flux, and solder. First, apply flux to the two pieces of metal that you want to join. Then, heat the solder with the soldering iron until it melts. Finally, apply the melted solder to the joint.